To qualify for naturalization, an applicant must
- be a Lawful Permanent Resident,
- be 18 years or older,
- satisfy physical presence and continuous residence requirements;
- satisfy the good moral character requirement,
- be dedicated to the principles of the Constitution;
- be willing to bear arms or participate in noncombatant service for the federal government;
- not be otherwise inadmissible; and
- have knowledge of the English language, U.S. history and government (demonstrated through a citizenship exam).
Each of these requirements has sub-requirements which hold the person applying to a myriad of standards and responsibilities.
Other avenues of naturalization include military service for one year, military service during hostilities, and veterans of the Filipino or Persian Gulf Wars. Applicants from the Hmong tribe who participated in military action in Laos may also be eligible for naturalization. People who are deemed by the Attorney General, INS Commissioner, and Attorney General have made extraordinary contributions to National Security may be naturalized despite not meeting the physical presence or residence requirements.
To apply an applicant must submit an N-400 application, a photocopy of the applicant’s resident card, two color photos and all other supporting documents prior to examination.